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ꯋꯤꯀꯤꯄꯦꯗꯤꯌꯥ ꯗꯒꯤ
(Hephaestus ꯗꯒꯤ ꯑꯃꯨꯛꯍꯟꯂꯛꯄ)
ꯃꯩ, ꯌꯣꯠ ꯊꯥꯡ ꯁꯨꯕ, ꯅꯨꯡ ꯊꯨꯒꯥꯢꯕ, ꯃꯤꯇꯝ ꯍꯛꯄ, ꯊꯧꯔꯥꯡ ꯊꯧꯁꯤꯜ ꯂꯥꯡꯕ ꯒꯤ ꯂꯥꯢꯅꯨꯄꯥ
the ꯑꯣꯂꯤꯝꯄꯤꯌꯥꯟ ꯱꯲ꯒꯤ ꯃꯅꯨꯡ ꯆꯟꯕꯅꯤ ꯫
Hephaestus at the Forge by Guillaume Coustou the Younger (Louvre)
ꯌꯨꯝMount Olympus
ꯈꯨꯗꯝHammer, anvil, tongs, Volcano
ꯑꯀꯨꯞꯄ ꯋꯥꯔꯣꯜ
ꯃꯄꯥ ꯃꯃꯥZeus and Hera, or Hera alone
ꯃꯆꯤꯟ ꯃꯅꯥꯎAeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, the Moirai
ꯃꯇꯩ ꯃꯅꯥꯎAphrodite, Aglaea
ꯃꯆꯥThalia, Erichthonius, Eucleia, Eupheme, Philophrosyne, Cabeiri and Euthenia
ꯔꯣꯃꯥꯟ ꯂꯦꯡꯃꯥꯟꯅꯕVulcan
ꯀꯅꯥꯟꯇꯦ ꯂꯦꯡꯃꯥꯟꯅꯕKothar-wa-Khasis[]

"ꯍꯤꯐꯦꯏꯁꯇꯁ" (ꯍꯐꯤꯁꯇꯁ) (ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ: Hephaestus) ꯑꯁꯤ ꯌꯣꯠ ꯊꯥꯡ ꯁꯨꯕ, ꯎ ꯁꯨꯕ, ꯈꯨꯠꯁꯥ ꯍꯩꯕ ꯑꯃꯗꯤ ꯃꯩꯒꯤ ꯂꯥꯢ ꯅꯨꯄꯥꯅꯤ ꯫ ꯃꯍꯥꯛꯀꯤ ꯂꯦꯡꯃꯥꯟꯅꯕ ꯔꯣꯃꯥꯟ ꯂꯥꯢꯅꯤꯡꯒꯤ ꯂꯥꯢ ꯑꯗꯨꯗꯤ ꯚꯨꯜꯀꯥꯟꯅꯤ ꯫